What is spread?

It spreads the elements of an array out over a function call. The ... syntax is also used with object destructuring.


const yourObject = {
  name: 'Dan Levy',
  city: 'Denver',
  favoriteFood: '🍕'

const thingsYouEnjoy = ['Hiking', 'JavaScript', 'Teaching'];

// Using yourObject and thingsYouEnjoy array, set the context of this on tellUsAboutYourself and call the function.

function tellUsAboutYourself(thing1, thing2, thing3){
  return `Hi! My name is ${this.name}, I live in ${this.city}, and I enjoy ${thing1}, ${thing2}, and ${thing3}. I love to eat ${this.favoriteFood}.`

tellUsAboutYourself.call(yourObject, ...thingsYouEnjoy);