The Prototype is the mechanism by which all JavaScript objects inherit from one another. You can think of the prototype as an object that objects use to hold onto values that can be passed down to other objects. We use it all the time in inheritance.


function Person(attributes) {
  this.age = attributes.age; =;
  this.homeTown = attributes.homeTown;
Person.prototype.speak = function () {
  return `Hello, my name is ${}`;


Let’s look at how inheritance works with prototypes. Here we create a Child constructor. Notice we are using the .call() method to bind this to Person.

Inheritance .call() Example:

function Child(childAttributes) {, childAttributes); // binding this to Person
  this.isChild = childAttributes.isChild; // this will be a special attribute to Child

The problem with Child is that it doesn’t necessarily know about the Person prototype yet. We have to manually tell Child about Person using Object.create().


Child.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);

What is .call()?

Allows you to write a method, or function that can be used on different objects.
