<aside> ‼️ REMINDER: A Higher Order Function is a function that takes in a function as an argument or returns function.


Different ways to write functions...

// ES6 Arrow functions.
const myFunction = (param1, param2) => {
	// do code here
// ES5 - traditional method
function myFunction(param1, param2) {
	// do code here

Constructor Functions

A function that returns an object. It’s an object creator. We use them a lot in JavaScript and they lend themselves to a paradigm called: ‘Object Oriented Programming’. CordialPerson will be a function that creates an object for us. When we call it we have to use the new keyword.


function CordialPerson(greeter) { 
	this.greeting = 'Hello '; 
	this.greeter = greeter; 
	this.speak = function() { 
		console.log(this.greeting + this.greeter); 

const jerry = new CordialPerson('Newman'); 
const newman = new CordialPerson('Jerry'); 


Example 2:

function Person(attributes) {
  this.age = attributes.age;
  this.name = attributes.name;
  this.homeTown = attributes.homeTown;
  this.speak = function () {
    return `Hello, my name is ${this.name}`;