Reference Material

.textCotent // Allows for the inner content of a element/selector that was called to be viewed, or changed.

const edit = document.querySelector(‘div p’);

edit.textContent // returns the text in the paragraph.

edit.textContent = // set the text in the paragraph.
// Method
.setAttribute(/* arg1 is the attribute to grab */, /* arg2 is what to change the attribute to */);

// Property/Object of every CSS property that changes the *inline* styles of the called element. It's important to note that the CSS properties called would be written in camel case rather than with their usual hyphens

// Ex: .style.flexWrap `not` .style.flex-wrap
.style.cssPropertyHere = // Changes

.className = // changes

.classList.toggle // Removes or adds class names

.innerHTML vs .textContent

innerHTML parses content as HTML and takes longer. Also, potentially insecure.

textContent uses straight text, does not parse HTML, and is faster.